Monday, December 6, 2010

We had a very busy weekend which included the getting of the Christmas tree. Of course I forgot to bring my camera to the Blessed Event which included hot chocolate, a candy cane maze and a run-in with Santa. Even if I had my camera I might not have been inclined to use it-it was 34 degrees and windy up on that hillside.

Speaking of Christmas, here in the north of NYC region we are busy working on making our lists and checking them twice. In case you have Graham on your list I have a special message: Please no toys! We have enough toys in this house. Too many, in fact. We have a lot of books too. I foresee a new year’s purge coming up. What Little G does need right now is winter clothes. He wears a size 3T and size 9 shoes. He could use jeans, sweaters, long underwear and maybe a long sleeved tee shirt. He could use a good pair of snow boots. He needs pajamas but not the zip-up one pc. footie things (too hard to get on). 2 piece long pant jammies and some slippers will keep him cozy around the house. Favorite themes are: football, dinosaurs, trains, basketball. And remember: all clothes are play clothes at this age.

Forecast is for snow tomorrow. Hard to believe I just put away my tank tops.

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