Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Big City Bones

Adventure Wednesday was followed by an even more adventurous Friday. Graham and I took the train into NYC to go to the Museum of Natural History. He had a great time on the train, tolerated the walk to the subway and waved to all the passing subway trains in the station as we waited for the B train to take us to the upper west side. At the museum he ran around like crazy looking at dinosaur bones and the like for 2 hours. After a quick bite at the local Shake Shack, we hopped in a cab to meet Liam at Rockefeller Center and check out the tree. This is one of those touristy things I've always wanted to do but never got the chance. Graham was dying to take a cab since we have a song we sing about riding in a taxi. He started in on me, bugging me to take a taxi the minute we got out of Grand Central. After lunch he got his wish but was so worn out by the excitement of the day that he fell asleep after a few minutes and I had to carry him to the tree when arrived at Rockefeller Center.

In the photos: top left on the train, top right with T-Rex
btm left in the main dino hall, rt with daddy just after waking up.

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