Thursday, December 23, 2010

Ice-skating: fail

I thought it would be fun to take Graham ice skating this winter. Since he is very coordinated I was sure he would take to it quickly. We went down to Bear Mountain, about 30 minutes south of here, where they have an ice rink that is super cheap to skate at. Graham was excited about the prospect of skating, he was very patient while I laced up his skates and learned to walk on them rather quickly. We got to the rink and I held him up between my legs while we crawled along the edge of the rink. He slipped. He fell. He cried. I lifted him up and tried to get him to try again. He bent his knees and refused to let his feet touch the ice. He cried some more. As it turns out, I'm not the greatest ice skater either and I was not the best person to get him to glide along with me. In fact, there was no gliding in our camp.
a very pouty skater

We sat and watched the other skaters for a while and when I was unable to persuade Graham to give it another try, we returned our skates and drove back to Beacon for a hot chocolate.

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