Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Stay at Home Wednesday

This week's Adventure Wednesday turned into Stay at Home Wednesday due to disagreeable weather. I knew it would be raining today which usually makes a day trip all the more appealing. Today's adventure was originally supposed to be a trip to NYC to take Graham to Rockerfeller Center to see the tree and do some touristy Christmas things that would get us in the spirit of the holidays. But then we got an invitation to visit my cousin Chad who recently moved to Connecticut from DC and he and his wife had their second child 2 weeks ago. Graham doesn't have any (first) cousins so i thought it would be fun for him to get to know his cousin Owen who is a year younger than him as well as meet his brand-new cousin Emma.

This morning the wind was blowing with a ferocity I have not seen in ages. Forecasts called for gusts up to 50 mph. I did not want to risk the drive over the mountain to Danbury and beyond in a storm that was travelling the same path as we were. Sadly, I called Chad and rescheduled. So G and I spent the day indoors. First at the library where we ran into some friends. Then home to watch the Thomas the Tank Engine video we checked out. We played with blocks, made Christmas pictures to decorate the house, baked some cookies. Shortly before dark the rain stopped and we took Lucille for a long overdue walk.

Here are some pictures of Graham taking his first chance to lick the beaters of their cookie dough. He insists on the apron every time we "cook" together.

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