Tuesday, June 3, 2014


The first tooth has been lost, a major milestone in the life of a 1st grader.  Sometime last week the wiggly bottom tooth finally fell out at breakfast. Later that night a visit from the tooth fairy yielded 2 dollars. I've been trying to get a photo of the new smile with no luck. In typical Graham fashion he does not like the attention from the missing tooth, even though he was desperately wanting to start losing teeth just like all his friends. He was one of the last to join the Toothless Club.

I'll try to sneak a smiling pic soon. Until then I'm sure he'd like you to know that his baseball team is doing great although they don't keep score in his age group so there are no winners or losers. He's making big hits and some excellent defensive plays. Many of the other coaches, including the high school varsity baseball coach, have been seriously impressed with his playing. He has no problem with attention for his baseball skills.

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