Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Last day of 1st grade

First grade is officially over today. From now on I will have a second grader in the house, how did this happen? I think we are all ready for summer. No more homework, piano practice, running to activities. Just us and the pool and trips to the lake. Baseball and day camps and barbeques and dinners on the deck.

Check out The Hair Experiment: Graham got a real haircut to start off the school year but I let it go for the rest of the year with the exception of one or two trims I gave him to shape things up. We have to wash it with AquaSwim shampoo every night after swimming and combing it out is not the most popular activity in our house. But I told him that unless he wants to cut his hair it has to be washed and combed every night. We'll see how long this lasts.

One unwavering detail of first grade: the baseball tee shirt every single day

Monday, June 16, 2014

Father's Day

For Father's Day Liam got breakfast in bed, followed by some backyard baseball. Then he and G went to the Strawberry Festival for a bit before going to the pool. Later we all went to a Renegades game, our local single A minor league baseball team. It was a good day.

Author's Tea

Graham's first grade class celebrates the end of the year by having all the parents to the classroom to read stories each student has worked on all year. This is the Author's Tea. Graham wrote three stories. Here he is reading to the room and goofing off at the end with his class. 

Tuesday, June 3, 2014


The first tooth has been lost, a major milestone in the life of a 1st grader.  Sometime last week the wiggly bottom tooth finally fell out at breakfast. Later that night a visit from the tooth fairy yielded 2 dollars. I've been trying to get a photo of the new smile with no luck. In typical Graham fashion he does not like the attention from the missing tooth, even though he was desperately wanting to start losing teeth just like all his friends. He was one of the last to join the Toothless Club.

I'll try to sneak a smiling pic soon. Until then I'm sure he'd like you to know that his baseball team is doing great although they don't keep score in his age group so there are no winners or losers. He's making big hits and some excellent defensive plays. Many of the other coaches, including the high school varsity baseball coach, have been seriously impressed with his playing. He has no problem with attention for his baseball skills.