Thursday, April 17, 2014

Just another day

Here is Graham having just another dinner, post-daylight savings time, in our new and expanded kitchen. His hair has gotten quite long and looks even longer since he wears it under a baseball cap most days. We'll see how long we can go without cutting it. 

Baseball season is starting for him on the 26th and this year I am the coach of his team. All of the little kid teams are named after MLB teams so I requested that our team be the Red Sox since no one else in this Yankee loving neck of the woods would volunteer for that. Request was granted and G is overjoyed. He gets more Red Sox gear!

To start off Spring Break right, we went to a Red Sox game at Yankee Stadium last weekend. Sox lost but we all had a good time. 

 Easter is coming. We made some Easter art in advance of our annual Easter egg hunt and brunch

April 16 SNOW. When will this winter end? Ever?

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