Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Eagle Cam

I can't stop watching the Eagle Cam! Somewhere in Iowa there is an eagle's nest with a camera on it. The mama eagle is sitting on 3 eggs keeping them warm while the daddy eagle goes out and fetches food. Sometimes they switch positions. Sometimes they eat, other times they fluff the nest. I'm hooked.

I learned about the eagle cam in Graham's classroom. His teacher will put it on the big screen sometimes when the kids are having free time. Now that the eggs are getting closer to being hatched she keeps it on a little more frequently. I was in the classroom this week and it was on while the kids were doing their math. If something happens in the nest, like the daddy eagle flies in one of the kids will alert the class. His teacher said that if one of the eggs starts to hatch they will drop everything to watch the eaglette be born.

So now i keep the eagle cam on like a screensaver. Today one of the eggs hatched. Let me tell you, this was very exciting for the kids and for me. Watch it and you'll see.

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