Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Train wreck's ripple effect

I'm sure by now you've heard about the NY train derailment that happened last Sunday morning, it's been all over the national news. That is the very same train line that goes by Beacon, the same train that Liam has commuted on a million times, that Graham and I have taken into NYC for trips to the museums and Central Park. One of the victims who was killed was a man from Cold Spring NY, one town away from Beacon. I did not know the man but several friends here in Beacon did. I just found out today that we know his 17 year old son Finn. He know him as "Coach Finn", he helped out with kids sports programs at the Philipstown Rec Center where Graham first played soccer, baseball and basketball when he was 3. A wonderful kid. My heart goes out to Coach Finn who just lost his dad and to his family. I am especially sad that during this horrific period the family is constantly having cameras shoved in their faces not being given the peace to grieve. I feel a little guilty knowing as much as I do about their personal lives now because of this accident. Liam and I are both both very sad about this. It's hard to believe this happened so close to home for us but goes to show how tight our little Hudson River communities are.

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