Monday, December 2, 2013

Thanksgiving and onward!

After all the little boys left and the cleanup was done, we were ready to host Thanksgiving with our friends who live up the street. Liam got a monster bird-a whopping 24 pounder!-which he smoked on the Big Green Egg. Our friends brought about half the dishes and we had a very nice Thanksgiving evening with them. Check out the pictures:

Getting the holiday table ready
Liam carving The Beast

Liam and Harrison getting in touch with their inner and outer wolves

Graham and Alden playing a game. 

Thanksgiving is over and now its full on Christmas, people. Are you ready? I am slightly ahead of schedule since I bought many presents already through a fundraiser at Graham’s school. I’m participating at a pop-up shop here in Beacon that features all locally made goods so I will be looking there first to fill the rest of my needs. I am selling a few of the tables I’ve been making. Click the above link and scroll down the page to see some examples of my work.

One of my biggest challenges of winter is keeping a very active boy busy indoors during the long winter months. The novelty of all the Legos  he got for his birthday has worn off a bit, I’m sad to say. Our house is full up with Legos, we don’t need any more so if you were contemplating getting Graham some Legos for Christmas please don’t! He really likes board games, especially ones that are challenging. He has a game called SMART by Brainquest that is like a kid version of Trivial Pursuit that he is crazy about. He also LOVES math and is doing very well in science so anything that is an activity involving math and science that he can play at home, like this for example, is something he would love. Of course, baseball is still #1 with him. We just shelled out for a membership to a place called Extra Innings, where he can go during the winter for indoor batting practice.
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving will be having a wonderful holiday season!

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