Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Meet the latest

After weeks, maybe months, of debate we finally took the plunge by adding to our household. Our friend Nicole is always rescuing kittens that need homes so we drove up to Saugerties to pick one out to bring home with us. Graham was very excited about it all, we let him choose the kitty and name it. Somewhere between arriving at Nicole's home/temporary cat foster shelter and leaving we decided that our new kitty would need a friend to keep it company. There were about 6 or 7 kittens to choose from which made it very hard because as everyone knows they don't make 8 week old kittens ugly.

He named them Pedro and Ciriaco after his favorite Red Sox baseball player Pedro Ciriaco. The orange one is Pedro. They have currently taken up residence in my attic studio and are proving to be very entertaining little furballs. They have yet to be introduced to Lucille or our other far more cranky cat Big Fat Ramona. We will keep you posted on the details of that circus when it happens.  

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