Monday, October 15, 2012

5th Birthday

Graham turned 5 last Friday, it was a day full of celebration. At school they have a ritual called the Birthday Walk. The birthday kid holds a globe, the teacher light a yellow candle they call the sun. Birthday kid takes a walk around the sun for each year he has been alive and the teacher reads from the kid's birthday book that the family has completed. The birthday kid chooses 2 friends to help make his cake which they make at school in the morning. Then they eat the cake. Liam and I were there this year for the birthday walk and it was very cute. Perhaps I can get Liam to fork over some of the pictures he took there.

Later in the day Graham had his real birthday party which was held at the local bowling alley with 5 of his friends. As you can see he is having a great time and he behaved like a very good host, which is a relief for his parents.  Bowling, pizza, cake, games, more bowling, home to bed. We were all exhausted.

The following day it was soccer game, followed by the opening reception for a show I curated in Beacon called Bound to Printed Matter. All the artists make work from books. Still recovering from the weekend. 

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