Thursday, June 23, 2016

Last day of school-3rd grade

Yesterday was the last day of 3rd grade. Check out the last day vs. the 1st day, right below. Graham said 3rd grade went by really fast. He loved his teacher and made some new friends this year. The highlight of 3rd grade for him was the Calico Ball. All 3rd graders in the district learn dances of the world, each class is assigned a different country. They learn about the culture, the food and they learn a dance which they perform at the high school auditorium for all the parents and families. HIs class' country was Spain. 

In July he will play on an all-star baseball team for Beacon 7-8 year olds. They have a tournament the first weekend in July right before we go to Maine for a week. Go Beacon!

G+Dad after the Calico Ball

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