Sunday, August 3, 2014

August already

I can't believe its August already. As we prepare for our trip to Maine, I'm trying to get the house in order for us to be gone  for 2 weeks. Just as the garden is beginning to produce some vegetables, too. This year I'm growing cherry tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, some herbs and a lot of flowers. We've had a lot of rain and not a lot of intense heat so things are coming along slowly. Its ok though. We belong to a CSA and every week we go to the farm to pick up 2 big bags full of produce. Greens, fruit, herbs, its all wonderful stuff. 

There are 4 weeks left of summer. 2 will be spent in Maine, the last 2 at home then school begins again. Feels like its going so fast! When the tomatoes start to drop it will really feel like full summer. 

our very first cherry tomatoes

a pattypan squash although i swear i planted zucchini!

lunch at Blooming Hill Farm

and there was some baseball camp this summer

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