Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Maine 2014

We just got back from our annual trip to Maine where we spent most of out time at Flying Moose Lodge. There was  swimming, canoeing, hiking, mini-golfing, sailing, rock skipping, and not enough lobster. There was time spent with family and friends, some good weather, some quiet moments. Check it out: 

Lobster dinner cooked on the shore

million dollah view of Frenchman's Bay

Graham (pre-haircut) with his cousin Gabriel

Sunset on Craig Pond

Flying Moose Canoes
Evening on the beach at Gaga's house

Sailing w Addie on Craig Pond 
Inside Fort Knox in Bucksport 
I found a 1920 copy of Tom Sawyer which I really enjoyed reading but the language was too complex for Graham. 

Sunday, August 3, 2014

August already

I can't believe its August already. As we prepare for our trip to Maine, I'm trying to get the house in order for us to be gone  for 2 weeks. Just as the garden is beginning to produce some vegetables, too. This year I'm growing cherry tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, some herbs and a lot of flowers. We've had a lot of rain and not a lot of intense heat so things are coming along slowly. Its ok though. We belong to a CSA and every week we go to the farm to pick up 2 big bags full of produce. Greens, fruit, herbs, its all wonderful stuff. 

There are 4 weeks left of summer. 2 will be spent in Maine, the last 2 at home then school begins again. Feels like its going so fast! When the tomatoes start to drop it will really feel like full summer. 

our very first cherry tomatoes

a pattypan squash although i swear i planted zucchini!

lunch at Blooming Hill Farm

and there was some baseball camp this summer