Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Of homes and phones

If you get a random call from an (845) number don't ignore it, it's probably us calling from our new old rotary phone. We recently got cable tv installed after years without it. Part of the package was a land line which we do not want or need. But they gave it to us anyway even though we don't even own a phone. So I went down to the local antique store and bought this beauty. If you email me I'll give you the number but there is no answering machine so if we are not home it will just ring like the good old days.

Last summer we stopped in at the Telephone Museum in Ellsworth Maine which has all sorts of historic telephones, switchboards, etc. and they all work. Graham really got a kick out of calling people on the old phones they have there. He is equally tickled when we use our very own rotary phone to call people.

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