Tuesday, September 3, 2013

1st grade-is this possible?

Tomorrow morning this kid starts his first day of public school-1st grade at JV Forrestal Elementary in Beacon. I can't really truly believe it and it gets me a little emotional thinking about sending him off into the world like this. When he went to kindergarten it was at the same Montessori school he had spent his pre-K year with the same teachers and most of the same classmates. But this is public school now, a whole new setting. A game changer. After the safety of his sweet little private school this is public school we are committing to. I have the utmost confidence in his abilities-he can read like a third grader and asks me to call out math problems to him while we are riding in the car so I know he will do fine academically. Will he make friends? Will he like it? I am not freaking out.....

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