Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Look what I made!!!!

I made this 7 foot table for our kitchen and finished it today so we can eat on it tonight. So excited! This is one of the final pieces in the puzzle of fixing up our kitchen. Next up: butcher block countertops and backsplash.

I made this table from 3/4" plywood which I sanded and stained, then coated with a polyacrylic. I bought the powder-coated steel legs from a table leg maker and screwed them in to the underside.

Today was quite a banner day. We got the green light from the Building Dept. to continue work on our deck, we got cable installed so we can watch post-season baseball, I finished the table so we can eat in our kitchen now. Hooray!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Birthday Season

September begins a season of birthdays in our house beginning with Liam Goodman's on Sept 17th. Yesterday was a totally manic day with Graham's packed activity schedule-piano lesson and soccer practice after school but with a little pre-planning we were able to have a nice celebration at home last night. Here he is blowing out his candles. Just in case you were wondering, there is only one place to get birthday candles in Beacon and it in NOT the drug store. I had to find this out the hard way by making several stops yesterday. 

Next up is mom's birthday tomorrow. Then comes Graham on Oct 12. I recently purged a lot of Graham's baby (or baby-ish) toys but I then realized he has very few toys left to play with indoors. We have lots of sports equipment but not many toys for a 6 year old and winter is coming folks! Graham would like you to know he likes Legos, especially Star Wars legos, Harry Potter Legos and Chima Legos.  ;-}

October is chock-full of Goodman-Post birthdays. Let me know what you want for your big day!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

1st grade-yes we can

Right before we got out of the car this morning outside of school Graham squeeked a tiny little "I'm scared". By the time I picked him up he was all smiles and said he had a great day.

Here he is on the morning before his first day of 1st grade:

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

1st grade-is this possible?

Tomorrow morning this kid starts his first day of public school-1st grade at JV Forrestal Elementary in Beacon. I can't really truly believe it and it gets me a little emotional thinking about sending him off into the world like this. When he went to kindergarten it was at the same Montessori school he had spent his pre-K year with the same teachers and most of the same classmates. But this is public school now, a whole new setting. A game changer. After the safety of his sweet little private school this is public school we are committing to. I have the utmost confidence in his abilities-he can read like a third grader and asks me to call out math problems to him while we are riding in the car so I know he will do fine academically. Will he make friends? Will he like it? I am not freaking out.....