Thursday, June 13, 2013

Kindergarten graduation

Today Graham graduated from kindergarten. His school had a very sweet little ceremony for the kids where they sang songs and each child got to walk across the bridge representing their move up to 1st grade. More than once I got a little teary at this first milestone in his scholastic life. For the past 2 years he's been at a Montessori school about 20 minutes away from us. Next year he will go to the local public school just a few blocks away. He'll be glad to not be riding the school bus and he hopes that one of his soccer team buddies will be in his class but I don't think it has really sunk in that he will be in a new school with a whole bunch of new kids.

Below are photos of him on his first and last days of kindergarten.

Here is his class singing the song:
Kindegarten, kindergarten 
Now its time to say goodbye to kindergarten
Look at the progress we've made
Now its time to go to first grade

about this video: click on the box in the far right bottom corner to make the video appear bigger. Graham is in the middle. Sorry for the bad focus in the first half, I had no control over low lighting!

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