Thursday, May 21, 2015

His first museum show

The second graders in the Beacon Schools have been working with artists at the Dia Beacon to learn about the creative process and create conceptual works of art. Today the museum hosted a reception for the show of their work and even Graham was proud of the drawings he made.

This is a really great program where artists come into the schools and give kids a different perspective on learning about art making from the usual "lets color and paint things" point of view. They worked with ideas like making a visual response to a sound or movement, for example.
The artist with one of his drawings

drawings by second graders

a drawing about stacking cups OF COURSE. What else could it be?

some very long drawings in a big room at Dia

Second grade drawings installed

Monday, May 11, 2015

totally toothless

And just like that, there go the baby teeth. Now he speaks with a little lisp and he's learning how to eat without front chompers. Here he is in fine spirits on Mother's Day bringing me his hand-made card while I await my breakfast in bed. Love this kid!