Monday, March 24, 2014

Lovin' up an apple cider cake

We keep getting jugs of apple cider from our winter CSA farm share. Enthusiasm has waned in drinking fresh cider week after week so I made an apple cider cake. Graham approves.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Baby photos

I've been combing through my archives of old photos lately getting ready for a Pecha Kucha talk that I'll be giving next week about my art practice. I've come across tons and tons of baby Graham photos that I'd forgotten about. Here are a few.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Piano lessons

Graham has been taking piano lessons for almost 2 years now. This spring will be his first recital. Here he is at his piano lesson last week playing the song he will probably play for the recital. Notice his look of pride at the end of the song. This is a huge gesture since he often complains about having to take piano lessons.