Friday, February 14, 2014

Olympic inspiration

Graham has been following the Olympic closely. He is very inspired by the luge and skeleton racing. Here he is in this video demonstrating our own personal luge course carved out of the massive snow pileup after yesterday's storm. It snowed heavily all day and when it stopped in the afternoon Liam went out and shoveled for about 2 hours. Around bedtime it began to snow with freezing rain and thunder & lightning. Good times! The photos below with the house and car covered in feet of snow? Those were taken the morning AFTER the first 2 hour shoveling session.

The 2-hour shoveling look

apres-shoveling hat head

This is the snow level after Thursday's shoveling but before Friday's session. 

Notice the amount of snow on the car. Liam cleared off the car once already the day before,
what you're seeing is only the second half of the storm's accumulation.  

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Snowstorm! again!

After a nice balmy Superbowl weekend where the temps got up into the 40's, we were hit with a massive snowstorm today. I have no idea what the official count was but it felt like at least a foot of snow fell. The photos tell all:
Lu keeps and eye out for the plow

I'm really glad Graham likes to shovel