Thursday, November 28, 2013

They said I was crazy....

They said I was crazy to have 8 first grade boys at my house yesterday. And it was a little crazy for a while. Graham and I decided it would be fun to have a few of his school friends over the day before Thanksgiving. We would decorate cookies, play some games and watch A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving.
There was a lot of screaming, a lot of tearing around the house and o by the way it was pouring rain all day so i couldn't send them outside at any point. But everyone had a great time. Nothing broke, no one cried and most kids did not want to go home when their parents came. These cookies you see here? NOT decorated by the boys, this is my work. When the boys sat down at the table to fix up their cookies there were blank cookies shaped like maple leaves, stars, snowflakes and Christmas trees. There were bowls of colored icing and 5 or 6 types of sprinkles. I am still trying to sweep up all the colored sprinkles on the kitchen floor. One boy who Graham was on the fence about inviting due to his acting up in school, poured a huge mound of icing on one cookie then dumped a mountain of sprinkles over and buried his face in the whole concoction. Even this kid's mom questioned whether he should come but despite that I like this kid. 
Pin the Feathers on the Turkey game made by me & G

After everyone left I picked up the Legos and other stray toys from the floor and once I vacuumed most order was restored. And those parents who said I was crazy? I noticed that they dropped their boys at the door and disappeared in a flash. Graham was sad to see everyone go but today is Thanksgiving and there will be a new crew of visitors in the house in a few hours. 


Thursday, November 21, 2013


Here are some things we've been up to lately...
playing board games on a rainy Sunday afternoon

leaves have been falling in our yard

our cat Pedro thinks he's hiding in the leaves

we went hiking on a trail called The Trapps last weekend in an area west of New Paltz known as the Gunks
you can see a view of the Hudson Valley from where we hiked

rock-ing out

this is a collaborative drawing of the sun i help Graham's 1st grade class do.