Thursday, August 29, 2013

Our summer in photos

This summer has been an exceptionally busy one. We spent 2 weeks in Maine, made a trip to the Adirondaks, another trip to Cape Cod, had our kitchen renovated (still in progress), Graham went to 2 baseball camps and 2 weeks of farm camp. Now we are counting down the days until first grade begins (Sept 4). With all this running around and living without some of our usual luxuries like air conditioning in my office, I have been slack about keeping up the blog but here i sit in my new kitchen ready to keep you updated with the best photos my iphone will take. This time with captions! Enjoy.

We've gone to several Hudson Valley Renegades games this summer, our local minor league team. Graham got a ball from one of the players. Here he is on the field after a game. 
On our way home from Maine we went to a Portland SeaDogs game which was a bit cold, rainy and a dull game.  
Our kitchen reno as of about a month ago. Accent wall is painted, new cabinets are in but old flooring is still there. 
This is what new bamboo flooring looks like.

Deck in progress. Should be completed in the next few weeks. 
Morning in the Adirondacks. I think they were concentrating on a game, not staring blankly into space. 
Sing along at farm camp
Cape Cod trip with the Terry family of San Anselmo, CA. Graham and Isaac chillaxin on the beach. 

Graham and Isaac in a friendly light saber fight. Star Wars jokes are big with these kids. "What do you call it when Darth Vader serves food? Darth Waiter!"

Johnathan Terry aka Jive Turkey aka JT

Carrie aka Care Bear

G masters another sport

The Cyclist and the Slugger

Our last morning on the Cape spent at an I-Hop in Yarmouth before the brutal 7 hour drive home.  It should have been a 4 hour drive but summer traffic had other plans for us. 

Back in Beacon, another summer night...

Graham at the riverfront in Beacon

We discovered a wonderful place to go canoe-ing near our house called Stillwater Lake. 

Silly kid at the Met in NYC. Our water was turned off yesterday so our contractor could install the new washer in the basement. Graham and I decided to skip town rather than pee outside all day :-)

My cherry tomatoes have gone crazy this summer with an unbelievable bounty.  Every day I pick at least a pint, usually more. Friends and neighbors have been very lucky.