Saturday, April 27, 2013

T-ball begins

Here is Graham demonstrating his very first at-bat for the Beacon Tigers. Notice the look of concentration. Go Tigers!

Today was the Beacon Barks dog parade. Here is a float made by my friend Ed. Below is G posing with the big dog before the parade (and after his soccer game). 

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Beacon Tigers

Graham got his very first baseball uniform the other day. he is very excited. Hid team is the Beacon Tigers. He would have preferred the Red Sox but he's pretty happy to be playing ball whatever team he is on.

In other news its Beacon Open Studios weekend this weekend! Here are some photos from the Kickoff Show. 

Monday, April 8, 2013

Interpretive dance (with sunglasses)

Graham rocks out to Styx in his own distinctive way getting distracted briefly by some Batman underwear.