Thursday, March 8, 2012

Swim lessons

listening for the fish...

comparing goggles...
Graham was such a water baby last summer-no fear at all and even though he still wore a floaty he would submerge his head when he jumped in. He's a natural. So we are starting some lessons now so that he will be ready for summer. Here he is with some of his buddies. From left, Ruby, Edie, Clyde and Mr. Fish

Saturday, March 3, 2012

President's Day weekend

Over the long President's Weekend holiday Liam had to work. All weekend. So we rented an apartment in Brooklyn and Graham, Lucy and I made the best of it. Here are some highlights including the Brooklyn waterfront at sunset, a trip to the dinosaur museum and an awesome visit to the transit museum where Graham got to sit in the driver's seat of a real city bus. A 4 year old boy in heaven!