Thursday, September 29, 2011

Pumpkin Patch

Now that Beacon Open Studios is over, I can come up for air and resume a normal life. Today Graham and I had to go up to Chatham to return the kegs to the Chatham Brewery. They donated some beer for the Kickoff Party. On the way back we stopped at a pumpkin patch to pick some pumpkins. I had picked up a stick -on decorating kit for Graham the other day and he has been all about pumpkins ever since. He would not rest until we went to a pumpkin patch. I found one in Red Hook NY that was excellent. Grieg Farm.

Friday, September 9, 2011

10 years from now

10 years from now i can see this same scene being played out: Graham and his buddy playing pinball at the local burger shack.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

1st day of pre-school

Some serious silliness on the first day of school. I tried to get him to pose for a normal picture and kind of succeeded once...

i know its been a long time since i've posted anything here. things have been pretty busy with me. Graham is getting bigger and has many more scheduled activities, he also wears me out in new and exhausting ways every day. But today is worth noting: he started pre-school! He liked the first day well enough and had no problem saying good-bye without any tears. He did not, however, warm up to the idea of going every day. We'll work on that.