Sunday, June 12, 2011

New York Times

Liam and I finally made the New York Times. That's my hair guitar on the right, notice the photo credit.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

note to self

Note to self: early morning gardening and first cup of coffee do not mix! As I was trying to beat the impending heat of today (forecasted high of 99 degrees) I did some early watering and weed pulling in my herb bed while drinking a cup of coffee. I ended up with a big plop of mud in my cup.

Monday, June 6, 2011

row, row, row your boat

Action packed weekend...On Saturday we rented a rowboat and spent the morning on Lake Canopus. We had a great time, it was fun to do something different. Sunday we went to visit my cousin Chad and his wife Amy and their 2 kids in Connecticut, 2hours away. The video is in their backyard, Graham and Owen running.