Tuesday, February 8, 2011


we no longer have a home phone. From now on Liam and I can be reached on our cell phones

Friday, February 4, 2011


We have some friends here in Beacon, Ed & Betsy, who periodically throw waffle parties on Sunday mornings. With all this snow, they have been having waffle/sledding parties. After we are stuffed with bacon and maple syrup and pumped up with coffee, we all go outside and hit the sledding slope Ed has carved out on their property. Also take note of the "iced coffee" sculpture in the photo below.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Graham has imaginary friends. One is named Becky and he is a boy. He comes over to play a lot. He used to have an imaginary baby that he would care for. We had to be quiet because the baby was often sleeping. If it got too noisy in the day care room, he would run to the corner to check on his baby. We asked him if the baby had a name. He said the baby's name was Johnny Cash.