Sunday, January 30, 2011

the mama speaks or my 15 seconds of notoriety

I am featured in this video on tourism in Dutchess County. You have to sit through (or fast forward) 10 minutes of information about historical tours in the area but you will be rewarded by getting a few seconds of me not sounding like a complete idiot talking about my work.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Some winter pictures

We have had no shortage of show so far this year. There has been sledding. There has been cold. There has been crazy hair due to winter hat head. There have been many hours playing indoors.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Good news!

Our insurance covered the cost of the plastic surgeon to repair Graham's face. The face is healing nicely. Will send pictures soon.

Friday, January 14, 2011


Whilst playing Sports Injury with Graham this evening (a variation on the game Tackle) I was down on the field as the tackle-ee, Graham went for the doctor. He returned with a baseball bat and a slide whistle and announced that the Doctor had arrived. He told me "this won't take long" then he proceeded to cure me by poking me in the belly with the slide whistle and asking me to cry like a baby. After that he proclaimed "You feel better now mama! Get up!"

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

worst new years ever

Just as we were sitting down to dinner on New Year's Eve Graham, who was so thrilled that his Poppo and Carol had arrived, was tearing around the house. Our dog was asleep on the floor against her favorite couch. Graham tacked the dog who woke up, had no idea what hit her and promptly bit Graham in the face. Blood and tears and screams. We spent the rest of the evening in the ER at Vassar Bros. Hospital in Poughkeepsie. A plastic surgeon was called to stitch up Graham's face. The cut was small but complicated - the regular ER doctor felt that he could not do the best job and since it was on his face he urged us to get a specialist.

The stitches were removed last Friday and he has a small redish scar near his mouth. I would have posted a picture but Liam has the camera and he's out of town. Graham looks mostly ok and the scar is quite small. One day his beard will cover it up.