Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Museum of Firefighting & Adventure Wednesday

Today was Adventure Wednesday, the day of the week when we take an outing to somewhere fun, hopefully somewhere we have never been before. We headed for the Museum of Firefighting in Hudson NY today. A bit of a haul but worth the drive to let a 3 year old boy run amok in a room full of old fire engines.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

basketball class

Graham started going to basketball class on Saturday mornings for 3-5 year olds. Here's a little movie I made last week. See my budding NBA star huddle, stretch, dribble, run drills. Sorry for the poor quality of the web video. One day I will figure out how to make it better.

Monday, November 1, 2010


Graham had his first real taste of Halloween this year, this is the first time he really knew what was going on. Here he is enjoying a football Sunday in his costume which he wore all day long.